Building Relationships, One Renaissance at a Time
When people hear the term renaissance, most think of Michelangelo’s David or Leonardo’s Mona Lisa. Not us. At VAULT©, we don’t think of the Sistine Chapel – we think of cabinets. Gorgeous, sturdy armoires with amazing detail.
Renaissance is an important term at VAULT for other reasons, too. A renaissance is a rebirth, a new beginning. New beginnings happen when the right people come together to make something bold together. In the old days it was artists and patrons, sculptors and muses. Today, though, it’s expert craftsmen like ours teaming with talented and visionary homebuilders. It’s the makers of the parts joining forces with the makers of the whole.
That’s why we were thrilled to join up with Renaissance Building of Wixom, Michigan, to start a renaissance all our own, together – one where a single successful collaboration kicked open the door to new and greater possibilities.
Renaissance Building’s president, Mark Pisco, was building a timber-frame garage for client in Ann Arbor, and was looking for a high-quality cabinet to furnish it. The client owns several automobile dealerships in Michigan, so he knew the difference between a high-end cabinet and the rest. Mark steered him to the VAULT website, and the client was immediately impressed by the custom sizes and finishes that we offer. With his own Ferrari in mind, the client immediately locked in on our “Ferrari Red” coating and the different pieces that would comprise his custom, one-of-a-kind workspace.
From there, VAULT’s legendary customer service took over. As Mark expressed in an awesome letter we just received from him:
“With your design help [the client] was able to see the layout prior to the final order. Six weeks later the cabinets arrived on time as expected. We installed them without a hitch. They look great. The client saw them and was extremely happy to see the quality VAULT cabinets displayed. He checked fit and finish and said they were even better than expected!”
“EXTREMELY HAPPY” and “EVEN BETTER THAN EXPECTED” are exactly what we aim for, and it’s meeting those goals that allowed us to start an amazing new relationship with an incredible company like Mark’s. That’s right: a Renaissance with Renaissance. One look at any of their sites, and there’s no doubt Renaissance Building is a top-notch outfit we’re thrilled to work with. And we’re proud that Mark feels the same way, and that he closed his letter describing VAULT’s efforts with the following: “As a result, we are now proud to offer VAULT cabinets to all of our clients.” Renaissance, indeed.
So here’s to new beginnings and great relationships, and to parking a red Ferrari by some VAULT cabinets in a Renaissance garage. Now that’s a masterpiece!
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